| National Update
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 Visit familyleader.net for more articles, news & issues. | | From: Maurine Proctor Washington, D.C. | | Take the Pledge and Pass it On: I Vote Values
We understand that our link on our "I Vote Values Pledge" did not work for some of you. Here is your opportunity to sign the pledge if you couldn't link from yesterday's send by clicking below. Please pass this email on to all of your friends. Let's start an uproar!
| Do Moral Values Matter on Election Day? You Bet They Do! The mainstream media is predicting low voter turnout among social conservatives in this midterm election. They are telling us that what matters is only the war in Iraq, the war on terror, immigration and the squeeze in our pocketbooks. We care about all of these things. But in our hearts what matters most is the future of home and family, the well-being of our children, the meaning of marriage and our religious freedom. Nothing equals are concern abou! t the erosion of this bedrock foundation in our nation and nothing wil l have greater impact on our future. Let's tell members of the media and leaders of the Democrat and Republican parties that the Value Voters Do Exist and will be out in force on Election Day.
| Take Action: Sign the Pledge I Vote Values Pledge On election day, I will vote for candidates and issues that support marriage, family and religious freedom-knowing that each of these foundations of a healthy society are in jeopardy. In the! se tumultuous times, I will stand for the future and importance of traditional marriage. I will stand for the sanctity of life. I will stand for the free expression of religion and not watch idly while it is trampled and marginalized. I know that my voice and vote matter in shaping the world our children will inherit and I accept that responsibility. I will cast an educated vote on election day. Because I know that the freedom of a nation hinges on its morality, I will support candidates who will take a stand for America's traditional values. I am a voter who cares about values-and I am not going away. Click here to sign the petition. |
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